Adult Ministry
"But grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever!” —2 Peter 3:18
Our adult Bible classes provide an opportunity to learn from God’s word and be discipled into mature Christians. Sunday morning adult bible classes include:
Sunday Morning Bible Class:
Foundations of the Faith
Wednesdays 6:00pm
Led by April Sork
How did you get your faith? How do you grow it? We will have sign-ups for upcoming sessions in the Fall.
Word On Wednesdays
7:00–8:15 PM
Classes for all ages (children through adults).
Precepts Ministries International
Tuesdays, 10:00 AM–Noon
Led by Joetta Danielson
An in-depth Bible study for men and women with daily homework assigned, a video presentation and discussion in class. Currently, we are studying the book of Isaiah. We meet in the God Squad Room.
Women's Ministry
Women’s Ministry invites ladies of all ages to grow in their relationship with Christ, encourage one another, and participate in a variety of service-oriented opportunities.
Annual Fall Retreat
Our ladies look forward to a weekend away in September to refresh and revitalize. It’s a fun time to meet new friends and just relax, laugh and learn.
Women’s Night Out!
Quarterly! No cost! Great food, fellowship and the word. We would love to see you there. Look for our next date in the spring!
Women’s Bible Study
In the Word On Wednesdays offers a Women-only class. A great place to
learn more about God and develop relationships other women! We will be taking time to learn of God as we study His Word. As we study we are showing our commitment. 2 Chronicles says: “The eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” Are you ready to experience all that He has in store for those who put Him first? I am so excited to be sharing this journey with you. What a joy! Love to you all as we prepare together to grow deeper and deeper in love with Him! Join us in the Auditorium, Wednesday, 7:00–8:15 PM. Women’s Bible Study is led by April Sork. Currently we are studying the gospel of John.
Men's Ministry
Fellowship with other men and service to others is part of Christian growth and we encourage all men in the church to jump in and be a part.
Tuesday Prayer Team
A group of men meet every Tuesday evening at 6:30 PM to pray for the staff, church activities, and needs of people who have submitted requests. They also spend time in the word of God.
Men’s Breakfast
Enjoy a great time of fellowship with a hearty breakfast on the 3rd Saturday morning of every month in the Gym at 8:00 AM. This time for men offers opportunities for men to join together for bible study and other activities.
Annual Fishing Trip
If you like the challenge of landing “the big fish”, you’ll want to sign up for the Annual Fishing Trip. It’s just fun!
Single adults of all ages honor God by taking the truth about who we are in Christ and practicing it in our daily lives. Following the morning worship service, single adults of all ages and their families enjoy a great meal and time of fellowship in the gym on the 3rd Sunday of each month, after the 2nd service.
Small Groups
Bible Study and prayer are essential to Christian growth. In addition to classes and service areas, small groups are a way to break down the “big church” into smaller affinity and age-related groups, meeting the various needs in the church body. For those interested in hosting or facilitating a small group,
Special Needs Schedule
Children of God Ministry (our adult special needs ministry) is hopeful to start up again in the coming months on Sunday afternoons from 1:15–2:30 PM in the God Squad Room for praise, worship, teaching from the Bible, prayer and fellowship under the leadership of Pastor Francis and Rose Mary Klontz.
Serve & Volunteer Ministry
We believe that people who are growing in love for Christ and His church have a desire to show that love. One of the best ways to do that is by serving others. There are many ways and places to serve. We encourage you to get involved and want to help you find your place of service.
It takes a volunteer force to carry out the number of activities and events on our church calendar. You’ll find there are thousands of ways to serve – from rocking a baby on Sunday mornings – to leading a small group – assisting with children’s and student activities, preparation of meals – the opportunities are endless. Let us help you find out just how rewarding and fun serving others can be!
It is our goal to help place the right people in the right places for the right reasons!
Just as the human body cannot function properly unless the eyes, ears, and hands each do their part, so the Body of Christ (the Church) cannot function as God intended without each believer doing his or her part. 1 Corinthians 12 shows us that we all have a place to serve in the church and that we all play a vital role in the body of Christ. The body of believers at Crossroads relies upon volunteers to help in fulfilling the calling that God has given us as a church.
We have a variety of ministries that encompass many different talents and passions. Whatever your talents and passions are, we have a place for you! If your schedule does not allow you to serve on an ongoing basis, we also have a variety of one-time service opportunities.
If you are interested in volunteering at Crossroads, completing our quick Worker’s Survey Form will help us get you started in the right place.
Outreach Ministry
Outreach begins outside the four walls or our church. We believe in using every means possible to catch the attention of those who need Christ. We host many events such as the Celebrate America Outdoor Concert and BBQ in the street on July 3rd, to the Christmas Drive Thru, Western Round-Up, Wild Game Feed and the Picnic in the Park. We use the printed page, gospel tracts, billboards, CDs, DVDs, social media, the web, and any other method that might be needed to reach people.
We visit people in jail, help people in need with food and clothes, and minister in the local schools and parks. We do hospital and care facility visitations.
Crossroads jail ministry is actively involved in the jails in Yuba and Sutter counties as well as the Juvenile Hall in Marysville. When they are released from incarceration, they are welcomed and wanted at Crossroads Community Church. In fact, the inmates upon discharge are told: “The first place you should go is CCC, they will help you with clothes, food and a hot meal, but most of all they will love you.”
Bible studies in restaurants
Roy Souza leads a team going into local restaurants to study the Bible and ministers in care facilities
Recovery Ministry
The recovery ministry is an integral part of Crossroads Community Church. The enemy makes promises he cannot keep and leaves us a long life road destroyed and broken. Our ministry is to put our hand out and lift up each person who has been wounded and bruised and offer a way out. What Satan meant for bad, God uses for good. Our programs are designed to give men and women another chance because we serve the God of second chances.
Road to Recovery (Christian 12 Step)
Our support and recovery group provide opportunities for individuals dealing with alcohol and drug addiction to meet with others who face similar challenges. Biblical principles give hope to people seeking freedom from their bondage. These groups meet every Sunday evening from 7:00-8:00 PM
Call Robert at (530) 674-1049 for more information.
Joshua House Men’s Center
This ministry is a one year 24/7 live-in men’s program for those who have overwhelming life-controlling addictions that rob them of having a real life, the life that God has planned for them. Students learn about God and learn to apply this knowledge to their lives through worship, classes, studying, homework, vocational training, working, enjoying lots of good food and fellowship and some free time. Check us out online.
Care & Counseling
Life can be hard and that’s when we need the support of loving, caring and knowledgeable friends to help us through the tough times. While Crossroads does not offer professionally accredited counselors, we have a volunteer staff who will give biblical guidance and direction to those seeking answers to life issues. We strive to love, encourage, support, pray and care for you during life’s difficulties. For more information or to request a visit, call the church office.
Grief Share
If you have lost a loved one through death, this seminar/support group will help you recover and look forward to rebuilding your life. We have three leadership teams who work in teams of two to provide thirteen weekly sessions. Each session lasts for approximately two hours on Wednesday nights, 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Questions? Call (530) 632-7087
Divorce Care
Understanding what you are going through, our DivorceCare seminar/support group is lead by people who want to help you heal.
Prayer Ministry
We believe that when we pray we invite God’s power to be released. Dependence on God through prayer is foundational to our church and provides a solid base for all we do. The Prayer Ministry at CCC is a support to people undergoing challenges in all areas of everyday life. If you have a prayer request, we would be honored to pray for you. If this is an emergency, please call the main church number at (530) 751-9168 during office hours or (916) 761-0552 after hours.
Sunday Prayer Room
Teams of two (couples or gender-specific pairs) pray during each worship service. They pray not only for the ongoing service, but also for every facet of ministry, as well as the needs of our church family.
Prayer Partners
This compassionate team prays for and with individuals and families during the prayer time in each of the services.
Prayer Chain
Jim Watt heads up our Prayer Chain. When requests are submitted, Jim emails them to our church body and prayer partners around the world. Prayer requests are also passed to prayer partners via the telephone.
Tuesday Night Men’s Prayer Group
Men meet at 6:30 PM every Tuesday night to pray for the needs of our country, our state, our community, our church, and prayer requests which they have received. This prayer group is under the leadership of Jim Watt.
Contact Jim Watt at (530) 674-8808 for more information about these prayer opportunities.
Adults 55 and older are invited to join other senior adults for Sunday School (On hold, TBD), Wednesday evening classes, monthly luncheons, trips, and a variety of other activities.
Prime Timers
Those 55 and older are invited to join us at noon on the first Friday of each month for a “bring a dish” lunch, fellowship and devotional. It’s a great place to meet others who are in this season of life and develop deeper relationships with one another.
Media Ministry
All of our volunteer tech teams who handle audio/video/lighting, play an integral part of setting the atmosphere for worship and provide cds, dvds, podcasts and video streaming on the world wide web. AVL Director Jason Arsenault heads up a team of volunteers who for the most part go unnoticed because of good sound, good lighting and good video.
Music & Drama Ministry
Church volunteers use musical and acting gifts as tools to present the word, to build up the body of Christ, and touch the hearts of those who need the Lord.